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Everything posted by Jake85

  1. Yeah iv checked the mortgage situation with the supplier as well as with different independent mortgage brokers so that's checked off :-). It's just working out build cost against resale value. Both of which is a bit tricky to get with no plans. So as you say it's all abit of a punt. I have different friends in trades locally for the internal works which I think will help with costs. It's just the foundations and actual build cost I'm trying to work out really. Resale is another tricky one, as would be building cheap to run family homes so would hope they would be able to achieve a good return..but new 3bed semis can be anywhere from 150-190 locally. Plots 80k, scary stuff ha..maybe easier to just stick to my BTLs.
  2. I was planning on using another design of a house that has been built locally? As managed to find plans online that mirrored it? Im finding myself stuck in a cycle. I'm trying to build 3bed semis total size 10mx10m out of ICF. Trying to get quotes and pricing to see if the return is there to build them..they say they need plans to quote from, but then the plans are alot when I don't know if it's just throwing money away if the build will never happen of it's too dear :-(. First time doing this if you couldn't tell ha
  3. Iv found plans online that I would like to use. Iv checked the size of them will fit the plot, and liaised with the local authority myself. I may just pay the £500 for the plans and do it myself this way? Then source a SE to help with the next stage? Be ok if I could draw ha.
  4. The quotes iv been given from local architects have been 3.5k to get to the planning application stage, not the detailed drawings for building regs. Arkiplan are 1.2k to get to the same stage. Iv been trying to find a local technician, but it just links me back to the architects iv already contacted.
  5. I'm going for standard shape build. Using an ICF method. The supplier said they could introduce me to architects but not do the planning drawings for. I have measured out what I want, liased with planning and found an example of what I am hoping to.achieve. it's just drawing it all together that I need help with. Arkiplan seem to be the cheapest option iv found so far? Unless other suggestions.
  6. Hi all. Just wondering if anyone has ever used Arkiplan for drawings for new builds? Came across them online and they are much cheaper than local architects. Just wondered if any horror stories?
  7. It's hard trying to weigh up which is best polystyrene or the block type method. Having conversations with architect along side these discussions, just want to make sure putting alot of thought in and comparing the difference.
  8. My front runners are currently Isotex and thermohouse. And green life buildings because they are local to here.
  9. The builds will be in South lincs. I don't think the plot is wide enough really for terrace houses.
  10. Thank you. Iv had a quote from Durisol for the bricks now, rough numbers. And from Isotex per square m. Need to factor in all other costs now but looks like will be around 100k for complete builds. Maybe a bit more depending on heating system used. Not connected to gas or mains sewerage there unfortunately. All the input is great from everyone as it's such a big gamble and investment need to be sure. But it's definitely looking preferred as opposed to standard construction.
  11. Well iv emailed lots of different suppliers of different methods of ICF now to try and start doing some loose costings for supply and supply and build. So hopefully once they start to come in I can then make a decision. The speed in which these type of builds can be turned around is definitely appealing. Especially if no known issues with the resale values too. Just hope the sums add up as it would be a nice thing to develop
  12. That's a very good idea about timing when to sell to feel the benefit and see for themselves how warm the property is. The heating/ventilation side of things I do need to look into. I do have a mechanical ventilation unit in my own standard built home, to help with mould etc within my home. But it's a subject I need to research more. Architect suggested heat pumps but it's something I will need to look at what other similar builds have used and how effective they are. Information is definitely the key.
  13. Thanks again for the feedback. This is really reassuring. I was thinking of going fairly high spec, family houses. To increase sailability. Iv been told there are a selection of lenders that can be accessed through brokers easy enough. Was told I may struggle BTL mortgage thought ltd company tho.
  14. Thank you for this. I was hoping it wouldn't effect the price negatively. If anything more eco friendly home, cheaper to run. Have a positive impact maybe? I get what your saying, the houses planning to build will be rendered externally, plastered internally. So as you say, would look identical to other houses.
  15. Hi all Just stumbled across this forum. I am currently looking at a potential development of 3 sets of semi detached houses. I was wondering on the resale value of properties built via ICF method. Are these usually priced in line with standard construction for same spec and size? Has anyone much experience reselling these buildings? Any difficulties? Thank you
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