I think you’re right, it would go some way in absorbing sound and smells, my other neighbours smoke on their balcony, being asthmatic it makes the balcony even more unusable
That’s what I’m thinking now, do you think I’m within my rights to do this? Of course if it’s temporary it can come down if I’m forced to but I’d rather do things within the law in the first place.
thanks for your help
Thanks for this. 1800 would be nice, problem is I’m not sure if I’m allowed to, I can only find information on fencing height measured from ground level. Would it breach planning and I’d need to remove it or apply for planning permission?
Hello Everyone!
I am in the process of renovating my balcony. I live in a row of 4 terraced houses all houses with matching balconies.
The problem I have is that there is a real lack of privacy, we only have a small partition between us and If anyone of us are on the balcony it is impossible to relax.
I have tried speaking to the neighbours to fix the issue but they are reluctant to cooperate as they don’t like change. Their main concern is the view being effected even though the view is across our balcony.
My question to everyone is how high of a partition can I legally erect without permission? I know at ground level the height is 2m but as it’s up on a balcony I can’t find any information.
it’s something we’d really like to sort as we feel uncomfortable sitting out there.
any help would be amazing and greatly appreciated :)