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James HS

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  1. Thanks @Bozza. Helpful to know about tenancy.
  2. Thanks, yeah, and it's a very active forum which is good. Thanks for the tips. I have to admit, I didn't realise it would take that long to just purchase - it's not as if there's chain! Helpful to know.
  3. Landlord has already given us notice. So we have to be out Sept 28th. The option of renting in Scotland is a possibility, but we'd rather not. It's very disruptive with young kids.
  4. Thanks everyone. To clarify 4 months to be on the land living in a static caravan, without services, looking at some dirt and holding a shovel. 4 months because we're sick of arsehole landlords in England and want to make this tenancy our last. And location wise - definitely in the country. Definitely in the middle of nowhere. More shire than city.
  5. I was being a bit careless with 'areas' - I meant within an our of each city - or longer. We're looking in the shires of those cities
  6. Hey - thought I'd say hi. My family is actively looking for a half acre in Inverness / Aberdeen areas and we're going to build a little kit home. Budget is about half a worn-out shoe string, so I'm looking for a very cheap kit and I will do all the build myself. We live in Hereford at the moment, so...there's a challenge, there too. I've got 4 months to get on the land and start digging foundations. Let's bring it on. j
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