1) What is your job role within your company?
2) How long have you been involved in the Construction Industry including any time spent studying?
3)What sector of the construction industry are you most involved in?
4)In your own words, define what you believe constitutes a self-build home
5)What do you consider to be the main benefits of self-build homes?
6)Do you believe that self-build homes are more likely to be effective at delivering nearly zero-energy homes than traditional procurement methods?
7)Please justify your above answer.
8)Have you considered 2020 nZEB proposals for any self-build projects?
9)Have you included any renewable energies within your projects?
All of these are subjective answers capable of being answered by any self-builder!
-Have you incorporated Fabric Energy Efficiency Standards(FEES) into any of your projects ?
-What percentage of your projects are influenced by EU targets (nZEB)?
These questions, although the answers may be No would highlight that self-builders do not concern themselves with nZEB or any EU Directives therefore illustrating a point, therefore creating research and a subject area to discuss! Why aren't self-builder considering these directives/ proposals?
Some of these answers would have given a great talking point for my research but have instead been written as comments. i would appreciate it if you would take the time and voice your opinion within the questionnaire.
Many thanks,