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  1. Thanks, I was planning on MVHR and making it airtight anyway. If I get an ASHP, do I need a tank for it, or can it directly heat the UFH?
  2. I'm doing a renovation and adding wet UFH to ground floor, and possibly to 1st floor as well. What's the cheapest or best way to heat the UFH water? I plan on having a gas system boiler to heat hot water for showers etc. Should this just be used for the UFH as well? Or is it worth having a separate ASHP to heat the UFH water? Connected "directly", or with a buffer tank? Can 1 ASHP heat the UFH on both ground floor and 1st floor? Combine the ASHP with solar panels (which may be useful anyway) to cut down on electricity costs? Any other options worth considering?
  3. I'm doing a renovation and want the best possible hot water pressure to multiple outlets simultaneously, eg. up to 3 showers running at once, or shower plus washing machine plus kitchen tap etc. It's a 5 bed with 2 en-suite and 1 family bathroom. Am I right in thinking that a high-spec system boiler with a "tank-in-tank" is best way to go? Any recommendations for these? Could such a system give effectively unlimited hot water if the boiler is powerful enough? Is it worth getting rid of all existing hot water pipes and re-doing the plumbing with a view to maintaining high pressure to all outlets in the house? Does it make any significant different where the boiler, tank and main outlets are in relation to each other? Can I have boiler and tank next to each other in the bottom left corner of the house, and the family bathroom in the top right corner of the house?
  4. I'm thinking of getting a high-spec system boiler with a "tank-in-tank", which I'm led to believe is an optimal way of ensuring lots of high pressure hot water to multiple showers/taps at once. Is this true? I'm also thinking of getting under floor heating. For the lowest space heating costs, would you just heat the water for that with the same system boiler, or have a completely separate ASHP to heat the UFH water? Is it even possible to have 2 separate heating systems like this in the same house? If you also spent time trying to insulate and make air-tight (this is for a detached retrofit) and use an MVHR system, could you get away with no heating on the 1st floor, relying on ground floor UFH to heat the whole house?
  5. Thanks all. On a related topic, there will also be a free-standing bath in the room. I see the advice about a sloping floor to the drain in the shower area, but how do you avoid pooling around the bath? Do people just not concern themselves with this, maybe just put down an absorbent matt at most? It will with a spa-bath that can only be repaired by lifting the whole bath off the ground. How would you stop water getting under the bath during use, assuming you wouldn't want to glue/tape it down to the tiles? Just put a rubber strip along the bottom edge and let the weight of the bath create a compression seal? Is that something any plumber could figure out how to attach and make work?
  6. But isn't the point of the boards to be an insulator/reflector to get the heat to go up? Does this product really not solve the problem? I think it's concrete on the ground floor. I haven't moved in yet, I was asking a general retrofit-UHF vs radiator efficiency question. Currently the first floor is carpeted, so I expect engineered wood flooring to be thicker. Do you mean apply the engineered wood flooring directly to the joists and the spreaders, and not put back the existing floorboards? And hope that the thickness matches floorboards+carpet?
  7. I’m planning on an extension which will be a wet room above an existing dining room (so adding a second story). I want this kind of seamless walk-in effect for the shower: But what do I need to specify in order to avoid leaks to the dining room below? With a normal enclosed shower I’d specify a shower tray with a tile-over lip so that if the grout or silicon seal failed, water would still not escape to the room below. But I don’t know anything about wet rooms. What sort of construction method or products should be used to best avoid leaks?
  8. I'm planning on getting UFH for both ground floor and first floor in my new house during a renovation. I think the house is standard construciton for the floors. Wunderatherm's website makes it seem like retrofit on both floors is a solved problem with their slim boards. But from reading some posts on here, is this not the case? Will the heating be very inefficient? Or will their product (or someone else's) reduce the heating bill and better maintain a good temp than normal radiators? On a different point, I'm not sure I really understand the solution for the first floor, but with their joist option it wouldn't raise the height of the floors? But in any case I'd like to add engineered wood flooring on top, so my floor height will increase. How do you integrate that with the top of the staircase seamlessly? I do plan on changing the staircase; do you just tweak the stair heights a fraction so the top stair comes to the new floor height?
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