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  1. Thanks, I will check it out! Hope it works out for you.
  2. Inverness We have a 3 bed semi, they seem to go within a couple of weeks, v quick turnaround on them.
  3. I'm not sure, sorry! It's a lane connecting 2 other roads, single track. Thank you for the info on SSE/water/highways, got a few phone calls to make! Much appreciated. Many thanks ProDave, I would appreciate that. I think in my head I think land sells as fast as houses do but everyone else will be needing to do these checks too.
  4. Thank you ProDave! No formal offer yet, is the perfect location, feels rural but very close to everything but we really didn't have an idea of exactly what was involved and are trying to see if our funds will work.
  5. Thanks very much everyone, so helpful. Re the water, says "services are believed to be nearby, purchasers will need to make their own enquiries regarding these." Maybe have bitten off more than we can chew. If the vendor sorted it out that would be good, I guess it's a case of who wants the land and what funds they have if we'd have any leeway with getting them to do it.
  6. CONDITIONS & REASONS This permission is granted subject to the following conditions and reasons: 1. No development shall commence until all of the matters specified below have been approved on application to the Planning Authority: i. a detailed layout of the site of the proposed development (including site levels as existing and proposed); ii. the design and external appearance of the proposed development; iii. landscaping proposals for the site of the proposed development (including boundary treatments); iv. details of access and parking arrangements; and v. details of the proposed water supply and drainage arrangements. Reason: Planning permission is granted in principle only and these specified matters must be approved prior to development commencing. Any details pursuant to condition 1 above shall show the site access located 30m from the existing access to (NAME OF THE EXISTING HOUSE WHICH ALIGNS ONE SIDE OF THE PLOT) and constructed in accordance with The Highland Council's Access to Single Houses and Small Housing Developments guidelines with: i. the junction formed to comply with drawing ref. SDB2; and ii. visibility splays of 87m to the west x 70m to the east (the X dimension and Y dimension respectively) formed from the centre line of the junction. No other development shall commence until the junction has been constructed in full and within the stated visibility splays, at no time shall anything obscure visibility between a driver's eye height of 1.05m positioned at the X dimension and an object height of 0.60m anywhere along the Y dimension. Reason: To ensure that an adequate level of access is timeously provided for the development; in the interests of road safety and amenity.
  7. Just having another look at the PIP. Re 30mph, it just says "move 30mph signs to here?" on the document called "site layout plan". Either side of the access gate says "remove vegetation/remove vegetation and set back fence" so who owns that vegetation I'm not sure. I *think* the seller owns it, as the vegetation seems to be enclosed by a massive blue line on the plan encircling plot 1 and plot 2. Sorry, very new to all this! Had no idea what a visibility splay was a week ago! I will copy and paste the exact wording.
  8. Thank you so much everyone, this is so helpful. The road near it is 30mph and another condition is that this needs to be extended. We will go have a good proper look/measure.
  9. Thank you, it says it has to be 2.4 x 90m but I have no idea how to cost that, google isn't helping much!
  10. Hi all, Looking to buy our first plot in the North of Scotland. There are 2 plots for sale with Planning in principle approved. One of the conditions is that a visibility splay is put in, cost to be shared between the 2,but I am not having much success in finding out how much this will cost. Planning told me to call roads, roads aren't calling me back. Any other ideas please?
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