We have a water ingress problem at the top of our patio doors.
It's a new build, we built this and 5 others with the same contractor. It is out of snagging time as a settlement was made by us with the contractor (long story).
In short, we have a problem with water ingress.
There isn't a means of taking water away from the fabric of the building (timber clad with Isotex blocks). A fault from the contractor and architect.
We are not builders nor are minded that way. Can anyone recommend a tradesperson near Marlborough, Wilts, who could help.
We figure there needs to be some kind of flashing inserted above the door frame but are not sure what kind and the design.
I figure we can remove the horizontal strips and replace them with something impervious to water, tilted, so as to take the water away from the fabric.
Many thanks.