Thanks for your replies @ProDave@SteamyTea@JohnMo,
@Nickfromwales We were looking at the overlay systems because we want to avoid any digging up if possible, and as we have ASHP we would be looking at running it continuously with flow temps of max 35C.
Having done a bit more reading around yesterday, I went back to our original heat loss report and calculated the following:
For the areas we are looking to install UFH, floor heat loss is currently ~500W or about 6% of total house heat loss, so assuming a doubling in floor heat loss in these areas due to hotter UFH heated floors (and ignoring any insulating effect of overlay panels) would give an overall increase in heat loss of ~6%.
Our heat loss report gave a figure of ~5000KWH for annual heat pump energy use for space heating (in reality this has been much lower), which at ~20p/KWh would mean an additional cost of ~£60 per year if we used UFH in these areas... which seems very low. Or have I missed something or made any daft assumptions?
In conclusion, as we are only proposing to install UFH to ~28% of floors and because downward heat loss is only a minor part of total heat loss in these areas, then the additional heating cost shouldn't be too extreme.
Thanks again for your help,