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Everything posted by raja

  1. Hi Bricke and Big Jimbo, That’s the issue I have with free surveys—they often come with limitations. However, Rentokil charged me £330 for theirs, so they’re making money from the survey itself, and additional work is obviously their most profitable avenue. That said, I didn't entirely rely on their I’ve also done extensive research on this myself, and after reviewing various sources, I find the rising damp diagnosis to be the most plausible. Additionally, I’ve sought opinions from some friends in the trade (albeit in a different part of the country), and they also believe it’s likely a rising damp issue. Based on that, I’m fairly confident in this conclusion. Let’s proceed on the basis that it is rising damp, as I’d appreciate an answer to my original question
  2. I had a damp survey carried out by Rentokil, a well-reviewed and reputable company. They identified a rising damp issue that needs to be addressed and quoted me for a chemical DPC injection along with re-plastering. While I’m happy to proceed with the DPC injection, I’m wondering whether it’s worth having the re-plastering done by them, as it’s quite expensive and I could get it done cheaper elsewhere. Rentokil requires the plastering to be done to their specifications (please see attached ) for the 30-year guarantee to remain valid. Do you think it’s worth using my own plasterer and saving a significant amount of money, even if it means forfeiting the guarantee? Or would it be better to go with Rentokil for the plastering as well?
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