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  1. Also I’ve checked the daily gas usage and it hasn’t changed from prior to this fix
  2. I have the radiators and the UFH set to come on in the mornings, so I had all 5 UFH zones on and 6 upstairs radiators come on, but thats when the ringing sound comes on
  3. Good morning all, an update on this issue, it’s now working as I wanted so thank you all for your input, the only issue I now have is when the pump comes on it has that ringing sound (can be heard throughout the downstairs and the bedroom above) I’ve tried adjusting the flow but the only thing that stops it is if I turn the mixer up but that puts the temperature through the manifold to high, any thought on this, cheers
  4. I’ve adjusted it down to 45 but any lower and it makes a loud ringing sound
  5. @ProDavealso the temperature on the pump shows 65 degrees, it used to be about 50, is that normal
  6. @ProDaveI have attached the grey to the greys from the 2-port valves, I turned up the UFH thermostat and the pump kicked in and the boiler started up, so that’s working as I wanted, thank a million, but is there any issue that can come from it being like this, like one of the other fellas on this thread mentioned something about “short cycling” and it using a sh*t load of gas! Or is this set up how it should have been? (the grey wires went into this terminal block with the arrow)
  7. And if that works do you think I could just add a separate 2-port valve on the UFH pipe going to the pump and wire that into the same connectors in the junction box to be able to control only the UFH?
  8. Got it , thanks
  9. NICKFROMWALES: Yes if the boiler is already on for the rads or the towel rails and I turn up the UFH thermostat then the hot water will circulate around the UFH, that’s the only way I have been using it, but the problem with that is the rads and towel rails are on timers to come on and off, so if it’s particularly cold and I want to warm the downstairs it just circulates cold water around! So I really need to be able to heat the UFH independently, PRODAVE: if the gray wire is linked to the 2-port valves and I turn up the UFH thermostat should that call for heat? p.s I can’t figure out how to reply directly to your message
  10. I have change the settings, I changed them to suit our need as a family, it works and heats up but say in the afternoon when it gets cold in the house and I turn up the UFH thermostat, the pump starts up and it circulates cold/luke warm water, so even though the settings have changed it never circulated hot water when the rads/towel rails aren’t on
  11. So do you think the installer deliberately made it so the UFH and the Rad/towel rails are all connected so that they come on together, in other words I set the Radiator thermostat to come on at say 6am which calls for heat starting the boiler, which in turn heats the Rads and the UFH?
  12. There are three thermostats, one for the hall, one for the lounge and one for the kitchen are (nothing is big so has three loops), in the picture it only shows the lounge has flow but all the others do usually have flow, just wasn’t on at the time of the picture,
  13. The top black circle shows the connection block that the black wire is connected to, the bottom black circle shows the gray not attached to anything, if I connect the gray to the connector block with the other grays, when the UFH calls for heat will that not open the 2-port valves allowing hot water to flow to the hot water/Rads/towel rails when I just want the UFH to heat up? thanks
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