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Everything posted by Osato

  1. Mate any update on this , I reckon you would have finished building now , I am thinking of doing an Icf basement , rear ground and 1st floor extension to my house , how did you get warranty for the basement and who did you get with . Any help will be massively appreciated
  2. Hi Wuey any update on this, I am looking at starting my extension which include a basement and was hoping to use Icf for it , any advise will be highly appreciated
  3. I read somewhere that if the Icf builder is a member of the ICFA then getting building control approval and warranty is possible for basement , does anyone have any experience on this ?
  4. Thanks a lot will check with them
  5. Does any one have a structural engineer with experience in ICF building they could recommend for my basement , rear ground and 1st floor and side extension please , will be much appreciated
  6. Have planning permission for a basement and 2 floor rear extension
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