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  1. 0.95 😜
  2. Thanks all, yes, this answers queries, disappointing that what was planned wasn't achievable, not a major expense for company in terms of size. Mathematically, I was wondering if 5m x 3m = £X , what does 4.6m x 3m = £Y Eg Y=X-£10 or Y=0.95X But in this case Y=X, as I should have complained at the time...
  3. So, size was reduced to keep a manhole accessible, then to comply with building fire regs, each losing 1x brick from the 5m length, so 2 bricks shorter. Was agreed in principle as foundations had already been dug at the larger (5m) size, then inspections required it to shrink. @nod, Agreed that I've not got what ordered, that's the reason for my questioning. Work is good, although wasn't without hickups during build. @Mr Punter, 4.6 x 3m rectangle, from 5x3, so 8% shorter externally. This also changed roof aesthetic which includes 2x skylights, which are closer than designed. Again, please, just looking advice, not abuse.
  4. Ah, nope, both the outside sizes. Initially spec'd at 5m, then reduced to 4.6 through what I'd describe as the architect/inspectors fault and lack of knowledge.
  5. Hi all, First post here, so hoping it's in the correct place. We've had an extension put onto house by a specialist window/door company. They came out, viewed site, designed, quoted and completed project themselves. Quoted for 5m x 3m on initial contract/invoice, and final build size is 4.6m x 3m. They're expecting full invoice amount, despite being 8% smaller (externally, so closer to 10% smaller internally). How much should I be expecting to pay? Consumer advice is that I'm being overcharged as it's not what was originally agreed. I'll add more details if required, but just wanting thoughts on this. Thanks all.
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