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  1. Hi Pete I'm doing planning similar thing - also south warwicks ( near Fenny Compton) but am at a bit earlier stage. Should get Planning sorted in June for first fix in July onwards.. Still at the point of working through what realistic monthly outputs are from PV / Battery store (with Diesel gen backup) in Winter on assumption I'd get something like a 12-15kw install.. (as preference to significant outlay to connect to National Grid). Any advice re best people to work with would be great! Don't place much trust in what I get from PV salesmen as doesn't tally up with the horror stories from friends off grid in real winter outputs 😞 cheers Paul
  2. Wayleaves sorted which is one thing done. The non contestable part of quote from National Grid (3.5k) was pretty much just the connection work. The £95k part was everything else..so 11kv SWA cable, ducting, trenching.. but according to my sums that should be more like 15-20k for trench and similar for cable/ ducting.
  3. Agricultural land option seems to be 1m depth, while highway is 60cm.. is there a standard width to trench? Trenchers as standard normally 10-15 cm which may not meet regs..and imagine mini digger would take twice as long? This is for 11kv cable.. Thanks for pointers btw!
  4. We're about 900m from nearest 2 connection points. Quote from Nat Grid was 3k non contestable / 95k contestable (I.e. the trench). One route via agricultural land(with wayleave in place), and other on verge of track. I'll happily hire trencher & do it myself if I can keep it under 50k!
  5. We have a 11 acre plot in Oxfordshire/ Warwickshire border, with stone and brick barn in decent nick. Various outbuildings in bad state. Asphalt track to village. This is totally off grid so my immediate challenge is options between PV & battery & Biomass boiler etc and the iniquitous Nat grid connection. Any advice would be great!
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