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  1. What would you do to decorate this T and G partition. Just paint it? Would you match the colour of wall or go for something different? Would it need an undercoat first or just two coats of standard wood paint? thanks for any advice!
  2. Thanks. It was definitely flowing uphill! Got him to angle it and clip it correctly.
  3. I have to run a waste pipe from 2 washing machines low down to allow for kitchen units. See the pic. there is no room for a P trap so the plumber put a horizontal trap as in pic. To me it looks like there is a big hump where the trap is. Will that not create an issue? There is no fall into the trap from the pipe that comes from the machines. Or maybe horizontal traps need to be like this? It's the first time I've seen a horizontal trap. Does anyone know? He's an experienced plumber so would be surprised if he made an error.
  4. We have a tight space for a kitchenette and the layout below is what IKEA said is the only feasible design. But I'm wondering does anyone here think we could viably get the seating area (space for 2 stools and 30cm counter) on the same wall as the sink? or swap the seating area with the sink? Might be quite dark where seats are at present. We need the fridge, cooker and washer but could consider stacking the fridge on washer if that was doable? We can move the water supply and waste pipes no problem. Last thing, if we do go with this layout would you switch the fridge and washer? the washer has hinge on the left which means its a bit awkward to access under the overhang. But the fridge will be used much more so is it better to leave it where it is unemcumbered by the overhang? Interesting to hear peoples opinions... Thanks for any input
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