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  1. Thanks, want add a second story on top of single story side extension
  2. Hi. My house was built 12 years ago. It's a two story house (with a small single story side extension 3.5m x 2.5m attached to the main house) built with the original house by the builders. I didn't buy the house when it was built, I bought it off original owners, 4 years ago. What's the likelihood that the side extension has the same depth of foundations as the main house? How could I go about finding this out, where would this info likely be held? Were there any regs that saying it should have the same depth when built etc....asking because I'm considering adding a second story. Thanks for any help in advance.
  3. Yes, apologies it was as you say. Sorry if original title was misleading, I got an email telling me they were minded to refuse and after several back and forth (very professional and polite) they approved it, me not being a veteral at this thought that was it,refused!. I didn't have to change anything I think it was more allying their concerns. But mightily relieved.
  4. SUCCESS!! After an initial refusal and discussion with the council includdng a lot of the points on here raised, they have now approved my application. Thankyou for the help and the comments on here. So very much appreciated!! Credit to my council too for reconsidering and being sensible and fair.
  5. Thankyou. So the "local plan" is 2011-2031 written in 2017. It states that 1-2 bedroom houses should not have an enclosed area less than 45m2. So the neighbours extension in 2021 idefinitely puts their amenity space even further well below that and the council has approved it.
  6. I don't know. Can they just change policy and treat my situation differently?
  7. Thank you for replies. Is it worth trying to point all this out to them or do councils usually stick to their guns and force people down the appeal route?
  8. Thankyou so much, I will use that. What's bizarre is the neighbours houses were built brand new with less than 35m2 amenity garden space. (Same design house as mine,I'm just end of terrace) I still have more than 40m2 after the outbuilding and the council say its not enough!. I assume the council would have approved the building of all the houses with said amenity space.
  9. Thanks, no nothing quirky at all. it would be within permitted development if we were allowed it on the site. The only thing they mentioned was amenity space. I can say with almost 100% certainty there would be no neighbour objection. Yes others do have sheds. I suspect they didn't apply for permission.
  10. Hi. I i live in a row of small houses with small gardens where permitted development was removed when houses built. Imade a planning application for an outbuilding. A 13.44m2 outbuilding. My garden is 53m2. The Council have refused saying it leaves too little amenity space - 40m2. However the same council 3 years ago approved an extension on a neighbours house, same row, that had a 35m2 garden (yes very small) that has been reduced it to a 19m2 garden by the extension. This seems very unfair. Can the council treat an outbuilding differently than an extension when looking at amenity garden space? Do I stand a chance appealing this? Should I try to speak with council first? Really grateful for any help. Seems so irrational and unfair.
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