I’m new to this forum and looking some advice for a new build installation.
I am considering plumbing my ufh flow and return into a secondary coil in my unvented cylinder to heat my house, rather than directly into the boiler flow and return.
The theory is that the oil boiler will heat the domestic hot water and I will extract the heat from the cylinder using a pump and blending valve.
I see a number of benefits in this type of system such as:
- flow temperature to ufh manifolds at the correct temperature rather than 70deg from the boiler and mixing down to 35deg.
-no short cycling of boiler
-zones can be heated individually without boiler having to fire
-hot water can be possibly stored at a lover temperature and boosted to over 60deg once a week for legionella purposes
-storage of hot water in summer months unlike a thermal store which require higher temps to ensure hot water production all year
Rough schematic attached
Anyone ever done this before or be able to provide some advice.