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Everything posted by Macfracam

  1. Thanks all. We have a friend nearby who is installing one soon so will go and have a listen.
  2. Thanks. Not flooding, but in really wet winters the ground right up to where we are going to build does get very wet and some bits can puddle. We realise we’ll need to spend on a good drainage solution but wanted to make sure foundation can cope with wet conditions.
  3. We are finalising plans for a bungalow and are looking at options for the slab. Bedrock is chalk with sand and gravel on top. A soakaway test revealed that we have 300mm soil, 300mm sandy soil/gravel and then 100mm gravel/chalk before we hit the water table (which rises more if it is a wet winter). We are hoping to use an insulated pad but open to other options so interested in views.
  4. We are working up plans for a new self-build and the drawings have the MVHR external vent just around a corner from the patio seating area outside the kitchen/dining room. Is that ok or are these vents quite noisy?
  5. Thanks. Looking at the measurements again, it is 300mm topsoil, 300mm sandy soil with some gravel and then sand/gravel/chalk mix. The solid chalk is mostly below the water table we think although we haven’t done a lot of investigation. We will ask the SE about traditional options. The insulated slab we are looking at is extruded PS so is meant to be completely waterproof, helping if the water table rises in the winter.
  6. New members here - can I tap into the expertise on this thread or should I start another? We are also facing high water table issues. We are finalising plans for a bungalow and are looking at options for the slab. Bedrock is chalk with sand and gravel on top. A soakaway test today revealed that we have 600mm soil and then 300mm gravel/sand before we hit the water table (which rises more if it is a wet winter). We are hoping to use an insulated pad, which would sit on crushed stone on top of the gravel. Does that seem a feasible option?
  7. We are in the process of going for a Dan-wood house on a plot in our current back garden. Great to read this feedback on the process. We are about to submit our stage-2 technical planning application having got planning in principle approval for a self-build. I was inspired by @kandgmitchell to get in touch with Greenraft today for a raft foundation and they came back straightaway with an outline quote. Would be interested to know about the spec that Dan-wood were happy with (eg is 150mm concrete sufficient). And whether it is worth exploring AACM as a more environmentally-friendly alternative to Portland cement as we won’t need a construction warranty for mortgage purposes.
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