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Everything posted by Berkshire_selfbuild

  1. Thanks all for your advice. I’m taking away with confidence that I should be fine without the need to get LPA involved. As mentioned, the items can be installed up against far wall and still allow parking of 2 cars, especially as the LPA have not specified sizing of cars etc - could easily fit many smarts cars in there! Cheers.
  2. Hi all. My self build is progressing well - at 2nd lift wall plate stage. It occurred to me that I have a planning condition to ensure the garage is used as per plans for 2 cars, along side 2 further parking spaces on the drive. I wanted to use part of the garage as a ‘plant area’ to house water cylinder, water softener, Solar PV Batteries etc, which would mean that the garage would only have space for 1 car. I do however have space for at least 4-5 cars on the driveway comfortably (ignoring the grass areas). I have shown red highlight for areas on plans for parking as it currently stands. Below is the planning condition. Should I email the LPA for permission to reduce parking in garage? Or could that open up a can of worms? Would BC use their own judgement do final sign off knowing that there is plentiful parking on the driveway? Thanks! 😀 ‘…the garage accommodation on the site identified on the approved plans shall be kept available for the parking of vehicles ancillary to the residential use of the site at all times. It shall not be used for any business nor as habitable space. Reason: To ensure that adequate parking space is available on the site, so as to reduce the likelihood of roadside parking…’
  3. Thanks so much for this. I think I’ve been fixated for a while on having the same number of bathrooms as bedrooms but I need to let go and make best use of the space and situation by keeping it simple and having something similar to what you have mentioned. Thanks!
  4. Thanks yes I think this will the path of least resistance and in essence gives us what we want - either Jack and Jill via both bedrooms or via bedroom and hallway. Thanks 😎🔥
  5. Thanks all for your super helpful comments. Our main driver for another ensuite was to provide both our kids with an ensuite. As some of you have mentioned, Jack and Jill set up might work. To avoid making any window changes, I could leave it as 5 bed and 4 bathrooms but do the jack and Jill to the main bathroom via the bedroom and landing. Therefore it will just be the 1 bedroom which does not have ensuite access and they would have access to bathroom via landing.
  6. There would be a ground floor WC. Otherwise all showers will be via bedroom.
  7. Yes fair point. Non-material amendment would be sensible. Now that you mention it, yes is it missing an ‘l’!! Can’t believe I never noticed that. Will see if I can update it! 🫣 (Done.. Admin)
  8. Hi all. Firstly, I’m super proud to say that we have reached 1st floor joist level and currently building up to 2nd floor - progress is accelerating! On to my dilemma. We are having 4 bedrooms on 1st floor with 2 en-suites and 1 family bathroom as per following: I’m now thinking of modifying the layout so it resembles the below which will give us 4 en-suites: Note: entrance from bathroom show via landing but can be via bedroom 4. This will give us all bedrooms with en-suite (bedroom 5 with en-suite is on 2nd floor). Reason for this is that I believe it may increase GDV, increase future saleability, make better use of space and minimal extra cost. My only negative is that the rear end will go from this: To this: As I’m not adding in new window panels or making the windows bigger, I should be able to make this change without going through planning. Although I’m not happy with the way the window configuration looks from the rear, I think I’m happier with the extra en-suite, and the way it looks from the rear may not bother me too much. I’m hoping you amazing lot may help me decide if it’s worth while making this change, or should I just stick with what I’ve got in the plans? I’ll be up to the hight requiring making the decision next week!
  9. My case is pretty much all covered in the topic which you have mentioned in your initial post. Thankfully got resolved on the technicality of me not receiving CIL Liability form in the post. ET Planning was helpful to talk to and did me a favour to speaking to my LA which probably helped my case. In the background I had written to the local MP, as recommended by the members on this forum, who had actually drafted up a response ready to be sent to the council to urge them to apply discretion. I would strongly suggest writing to your local MP detailing your case. As well as writing to the council CEO and senior council staff.
  10. Having gone through a CIL scare recently myself, I sympathise with your position and have my fingers crossed that you get over the other side with minimal financial and emotional damage. During my issue, I was in contact with a local planning consultant. Dealt with a gent called Derek who was super helpful and spoke with the LA for me and played a part in getting me out of trouble. May be worth getting in touch with them: www.etplanning.co.uk
  11. I think we’ve made the decision to go with a tilt and turn on both sides. It will mostly be used for ventilation in that area but can be effectively be opened like a door to allow easy access to outside without opening the sliders. Let’s see though, we seem to be changing our minds all the time!
  12. A recap of what you must do to ensure you don’t go through my nightmare which thankfully got resolved: During planning stage, complete and submit CIL PAAIR Form (CIL Form 1). Prior to commencement of build, complete an Assumption of Liability Form (Form 2) and submit it to the Local Authority. Submit a Self-Build Exemption Claim Form, Part 1 (Form 7) confirming you meet all the qualifying criteria for a self-build development. Do not commence development before the Local Authority has confirmed the grant of relief. Prior to commencement of development, submit a Commencement Notice (Form 6) to the Local Authority and the Local Authority must acknowledge receipt. Within 6 months following completion of the development, submit the Self-Build Exemption Claim Form, Part 2 (Form 7) to the Local Authority together with supporting evidence.
  13. Probably the most stressful 24 hours of my life. Yes they did deliver in the end but only due to me not receiving the CIL liability letter through the post and them having no evidence of sending it. It’s the only thing that saved me.
  14. Yes agreed and more than happy to share my experiences. Potentially such huge amount of sums involved, and an experience to completely break someone, and even a family.
  15. Yes. However the CIL payment gets triggered as soon as any work has started to the property, such as the start of demolition. So could be a tough one. I wonder if there is an option to sell the property and get rid of the CIL liability, and if the new owner can apply for a new CIL exception…
  16. That’s awful, and was certainly the direction in which I would have ended up going. Not taking it for granted at all - this issue needs to headline news on all things self build related.
  17. Amen to that. Thanks so much. Just glad it’s all sorted now, all other issues will hopefully just feel like a stone in the shoe in comparison. Certainly the most helpful, caring and informative forum I’ve ever come across. I will ensure I contribute on a more regular basis and give back where I can.
  18. Ha! Well, over the past day I’ve been thinking about where I can save money on the build to somehow keep the project alive but I was failing. That £127k feels like so much more now than it did before. I might proceed with some of these changes such as swapping velux for dormers (x5), doing away with solar PV. Let’s see. It’s certainly made me more cautious rather than just winging it and seeing how it goes from a cost perspective.
  19. Thank you. It’s frightening how a few sentences in an email can make the world cave in on you and then the same number of sentences but in a positive note brings instant joy so quickly, all within 24 hours. 🤯
  20. Absolutely agreed. We need to share this info, including the joys and sadness, so that as much of us are informed as possible. Being a newbie, I put 100% trust in my architect. From now on, I will be going through everything with a fine tooth Combe.
  21. Ha. Already received and can see the £0.00 CIL due. I have set a reminder in my phone in the future to go off every 2 weeks to do CIL form 7 Part 2 within 6 months of completion. There’s no way I’m letting that slide!!!
  22. Thanks so much for the offer. But my architect was onto the paperwork in a flash submitted the forms. Even got the acknowledgement letter back. Need a whiskey now!
  23. Agreed! It’s crazy how an experience like this puts everything else into perspective.
  24. It seems like there should have been a hardcopy of the CIL liability notice posted out to me but was never done and they have no record of it ever being sent. This is what has allowed for them to apply discretion in this instance. Although in all fairness, if I had received it through the post then I would have 100% done something about it. Anyways, back to try to enjoy the process and worrying about the usuals daily build issues! 😉
  25. Update: Received the following just now- “Please accept our apologies in regards to not informing you when we issued the CIL Liability notice out at that time, as the originally email with the notices was sent out to your agent directly dated 04/10/2023 (attached). Due to the situation where development has commenced on site and you didn’t get notified, on this occasion we will allow discretion whereby you can submit the relevant forms, and we will grant the relief. Please do note that the full CIL charge plus the additional surcharges will not be imposed.” Thank goodness! These last 24 hours have been traumatic to say the least. But it appears that they do have some heart following my email to them detailing all the flaws in their process conducted. Thank you all for your input and advice. What an amazing platform we have here 😀
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