Wow! THANK YOU everyone for all the help!
A bit more information - the house is in the countryside of Japan (Myoko), and has no 'central heating' at all - heating during the winter is by a few paraffin heaters, gas and electricity in each room.
The hot spring water flows into a 'holding tank' before filling the hot spring bath (a Japanese 'onsen'), and I was considering using a stainless steel heat exchanger immersed into the 'holding tank' - something like:
The spring water does have some sulphur content, but is not very corrosive - so the stainless steel for the heat exchanger should be OK.
Given that the water circulating around the radiators will obviously be less than 50 deg C, how do I work out the size of the radiators for the room size? The house is well insulated - the Japanese do things correctly!
Another problem is the mains power is 100 volts 50Hz AC - so pump selection may be difficult.
Can anyone give some ideas on the piping to use - will plastic be OK?
Presumably an expansion tank will be required for the circulating central heating water, and the water will have to have anti-freeze added. Is a 'header tank' required, or can it be a closed-loop system?
I really am appreciative of all the help - and yes, it is an exciting project, but I am an electronics engineer, not a central heating engineer!!
Thank you,