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    Stratford on Avon

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  1. Thank you - that's a lot bigger than my list! I'll check again. May I ask what the solar conduit is? Are your panels not on the roof..? And your broadband - is that with Virgin by any chance? Are you using the same duct as electrical cable..? Many thanks.
  2. Hi @Bancroft, I posted a similar (but much less through) Q just before Christmas and someone pointed me to this thread. Have you finalised the penetrations? Would you be up for sharing it? I'm at a similar stage and my list feels very small (9!). Many thanks, Gracie
  3. Thank you all so much for your replies - I went offline over Christmas so apologies for not replying. I think this is how people tend to reply...!: Gotcha - didn't know that was a rule! Attached here (format OK?!) Ideally it would be on the garden (north) side - but the mains comes in at the front (south side) - would you then pipe it externally?! Ooo this is great thank you - 1) This is what I was hoping to do but did you not have an issue with BC here? I've read that you can't run services out there?! 2) Thank you. Really silly question - but hopefully this is a safe place(!) - when you say "duct" - are there different types you're meant to spec?! 3)Thanks - not sure I like the sound of drilling through! As above, perhaps I tee it off before it enters the house then pipe it external round the side... I don't suppose you'd be up for sharing your under slab plans would you? I'm a very visual person so seeing how it's done on other projects (especially an MBC one) would be really useful! Thank you too! Great idea to have something running to shed, even if we don't use it straight away. As above - I wonder if you'd be up for sharing the doc you sent to MBC with under slab details?
  4. Hello BuildHubbers, First post for me after months of learning all I can from others on here We're an MBC passive house build in Stratford on Avon. We need to send the service layout for under the slab connections- can anyone help/comment on the below? Or can anyone share their layouts to give me some ideas?! 1. Do all external lights/blinds/Security systems have to be wired directly from inside to out i.e. go through the airtight layer etc, or can you run a duct back under the slab to allow for all external electrics (between TF and timber/brick cladding)? 2. Has anyone had virgin media fitted? Can this come in under the slab too? At what point do Virgin themselves get involved? 3. Water: the mains water will come in under the slab. If we want an external tap, do we need to allow for another under slab pipe back to the exterior? If there's a comprehensive thread on this subject, feel free to send me that way - feel like I've looked but can't find full answers. Many thanks.
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