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About Vain

  • Birthday 02/19/1970

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  • About Me
    Living our best life in rural County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. Gonna build that thing we've always dreamed of! (hopefully!)
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  1. Hi all, does anyone have any idea on the approximate cost in Northern Ireland of the Contestable element of this quote? £42k is hefty, but I have no idea how much cheaper (if any) it would be to get a contractor to do the contestable element. Looking like it may be cost prohibitive unless the land owner stumps up! Thanks in advance for your help! Quotation Summary Redact.pdf
  2. No, Wales, Scotland and NI are exempt, so far, from the compulsory EV point.
  3. this is where I'm going to go in with the land owner. Offer a third of the cost in a joint application. Then use that to negotiate the cost of the land. Thanks for solidifying that in my head! Still not sure if its extortionate or not though!
  4. No, the other two sites are just footings like the one I'm looking to buy. There's houses spread out along the road to the south, but nothing near the 3 plots.
  5. Hi all, wonder if I could get a steer on the cost of an electrical connection? Total newbie here! Looking to purchase a plot for self build of a Vernacular 4 bed house in the County Fermanagh Countryside. The PDF shows the route and spec that NEI (Northern Ireland Electric) propose to complete. The site that it indicates is incorrect, it's actually the site to the immediate SW of the indicated connection site. (I doubt this would make much difference in overall cost) I have queried it and asked for them to re-draw and re-submit a proposal. They are quoting £42k for the connection. I was gobsmacked! Should I be? There is no huge capacity requirement, no EV Charger, no Heat pumps or anything heavy. The land owner selling the site has indicated that he will contribute, I'm assuming because once Electric is up there, it's more attractive to sell the other two plots. Is there a viable, useable "off Grid" option for less cost? I have a request for more accuracy and a break down of costs but I have no idea if they can or will provide this. I also stated that I considered it expensive (chancing my arm more than using knowledge! (hence asking here!)), but I have no idea if they will requote cheaper. Any thoughts, experiences or advice would be extremely welcome. Kind regards and thanks in anticipation of your valuable input! Proposal (3).pdf
  6. Absolute minefield! Cost, Practicality, legislation, planning and the feelings and wishes of my better half!
  7. Thanks Ian, I actually emailed Patrick Bradley to try to look to engage him but got no reply! His Grand Designs Container house is only an hour away from us. I absolutely get you on Local Vernacular helping the planning decision. That is exactly why we want to go agricultural. If we get the plot we're after, we'll be up on a hill, above a farm. Last house towards the wild NI/ROI border. Want it to be as in-keeping as possible. The plot already has planning for a house and foundations are already there, otherwise I would have looked at minimal impact screw foundations, to try to sweeten the planners a little more!
  8. Thanks Ian. Can imagine it looks great! Yes, I have been looking at the "He Who Must Not Be Named" ICF. We're leaning towards metal cladding to tie in with the majority of the barns in our area. Hence the idea at the start of using containers. Still trying to sort all the wish list stuff into possible, impossible and "sod it we'll do it anyway!"
  9. Thank you @Dave Jones. I've seen a lot of comments and posts about that on here. Luckily, shouldn't have too big a requirement for a lender. But great to have an eye on that potential hurdle.
  10. Absolutely. Although not sure how successful the tech has got!
  11. Yeah, finger toes and eyes are crossed here! Thanks
  12. Thank you @joe90 Appreciate the welcome. Interesting how your build changed. Almost as soon as I stared to explore what we could potentially do on the plot I realised the dream might change! We'll see how we go. Get the plot forst!
  13. Hi all, Just negotiating for a plot in rural Co Fermanagh. Power is a long way away. 300m+, so waiting for a budget quote to aid negotiations. Always wanted to build a container home, not sure now after reading lots of posts. Clad Timber Frame or ICF probably. Want that agricultural look and feel. Already picked up loads from reading this forum! Hoping to share the journey, mistakes, successes, losses and wins to help others. (and use all your knowledge that you have shared and will share!) Thanks to admin for letting me get involved!
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