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  1. Thanks Adam and Scottish John, all valid points and foor for thought - thanks. Graham
  2. Hi, just recently introduced myself in another forum. I want to self build (or manage the build (I'm in my 60s)) of a large detached garage to store a car, a boat/trailer, and some other gear at a approx 100 miles from home. Despite the intended purpose, I want to have insulation in the walls/roof. I'm happy with a rendered finish, flat roof (probably kingspan panels), with more than a passing nod to security, so a bit of rebar in the walls and heavy duty garage door and fire door. I'm thinking the floorplan would be a bit like this (M): 12 5 5 2 3 or 8 3 4 5 4 5 The squarer one seems easier. The attractions of ICF to me are - Insulation - light enough for me to build it up - a concrete wall that could take some rebar - eco credentials/re used material in some ICFs such as Durisol. I appreciate I could use hollow concrete blocks instead and build them up a layer at a time - no pours/just treat them like big bricklaying. Questions - is ICF a suitable way for me to go or should I explore other avenues? - if yes to ICF, which one and what is a bulletproof render for it? - build a concrete foundations/base first or ICF in the foundations? - I'm kinda thinking it's a no, but could I treat a product like durisol the same as hollow concrete blocks i.e. 'bricklay them'? best regards Graham
  3. Thanks for all the security perspectives - no windows, some rebar, steel framed fire door, HD garage door, which might seem a little OTT as location would be pembrokeshire rather than bristol or london! 🙂
  4. I appreciate all the comments replying to my intro - funnily enough your comment was spot on - the garage would be for a car, a boat and trailer, and be remote from my house - so one of the attractions to an ICF would be that it includes a 'concrete wall' from a security perspective. I appreciate I could get a similar result with dense concrete hollow blocks, but I thought I would explore the possibilities with an ICF. Garage would probably be 9 m x 9 m or 12 m x 3 m. I'l post in the appropriate forum, rather than intros in due course. Graham
  5. Hi, my name is Graham (60's), and my wife Mandy(50's). We have a 6 year old collie/alsatian and a black and white cat. I was interested in self build a number of years ago but did not quite get around to a full house build - full time IT Security jobs get in the way! We completed a number of DIY jobs in our current and past homes e.g. new bathrooms, kitchens, extensions, garages etc. I have rekindled a bit of interest in ICF on approaching retirement as I might have a future double detached garage and storage in mind (and time to do it or manage it being done), and ICF/Durisol may offer a suitable method for walls and potentially a 'kingspan' roof. rgds Graham
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