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  1. Hi Everyone, This is my first time posting so I hope I have gone through the correct channels, I have a timber frame extension that I'm designing and I have concerns about the wall plate of the decking bridging the DPC. Please see attached drawing with red circle highlighting area of contention. I have found some useful information from the timber decking association link below but I woudl love a sense check if anyone would be kind enough to help. I'm hoping this detail will be acceptable with building control as the decking has a roof so only driving rain on the odd occasion will reach the back wall however the project is situated in Cornwall facing the prevailing wind direction. I was thinking about raising the DPC above the deck and adding a 100x100mm concrete block to create better baring for the wall pate but this has knock on effects with the sole pate being below DPC. I not sure how building control will react to this detail and as its a timber frame my concern for water tracking into the structure is heightened. Any comments or suggestions woudl be greatly appreciated. https://www.tdca.org.uk/faqs/timber-decking-questions/dpc-where-should-i-install-the-ledger-board-when-the-deck-is-attached-to-a-house/#:~:text=The damp proof course (dpc,level with patio%2FFrench doors. AN-G - RVB - DT_SEC - Proposed - Detail Sections.pdf
  2. AN-G - RVB - DT_SEC - Proposed - Detail Sections.pdf Hi Everyone, This is my first time posting so I hope I have gone through the correct channels, I have a timber frame extension that I'm designing and I have concerns about the wall plate of the decking bridging the DPC. Please see attached drawing with red circle highlighting area of contention. I have found some useful information from the timber decking association link below but I woudl love a sense check if anyone would be kind enough to help. I'm hoping this detail will be acceptable with building control as the decking has a roof so only driving rain on the odd occasion will reach the back wall however the project is situated in Cornwall facing the prevailing wind direction. I was thinking about raising the DPC above the deck and adding a 100x100mm concrete block to create better baring for the wall pate but this has knock on effects with the sole pate being below DPC. I not sure how building control will react to this detail and as its a timber frame my concern for water tracking into the structure is heightened. Any comments or suggestions woudl be greatly appreciated. https://www.tdca.org.uk/faqs/timber-decking-questions/dpc-where-should-i-install-the-ledger-board-when-the-deck-is-attached-to-a-house/#:~:text=The damp proof course (dpc,level with patio%2FFrench doors.
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