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Everything posted by mark2123

  1. No leaks and I have no idea why they did what they did, as they just turned up and worked without explaining anything to me and, as a non-trades person, I have trusted that they are the experts. They were recommended to me by www.resi.co.uk who I engaged to help manage the extension. The builder has many 5 star reviews and I couldn't find anything negative about them. My alarm bells started ringing when they said it should take a total of 3 months and, counting up the days that they have been here (3 or 4 of them working at a time), it's been about 5 weeks and they think it will be finished by the end of this week.
  2. Really helpful info, thank you all. I know what I need to do now in terms of addressing the issues.
  3. This is how neat and tidy things looked before the work began.
  4. Thanks for the comments so far. I have only paid for just over half of the work so have a decent amount left to pay, which I will only do when I am satisfied. The planning permission states:- "The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall match, in type, colour and texture to those on the existing building, the approved plans and the details within Section 5 of the submitted application form. REASON: In the interests of visual amenity and in accordance with Policy EM10 of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029." I have emailed my concerns to the builder, today, and if they disagree and say that in their view, it's fine, where is my next port of call i.e. who best to take it up with? Some good suggestions and advice from everyone, which confirms my initial feeling that, colours aside, as I'm sure they will blend more over time, the look/quality isn't there.
  5. Hi. I joined today to try to gain some views/advice from those more knowledgeable than me (I know nothing about building work) on some work that I'm having done to create a first floor extension on the side of the house. The builders have almost finished the work and are currently doing the inside. From the outside, I don't feel that the ridge work is of a good quality. They have rebuilt the roof over the extension (on the right) and added new ridges to the top of the house. The ridge colours are very different from the tiles so it draws your attention to them, and then, there is questionable quality. I was not consulted in any decisions re tiling, colours, styles etc as I'm a layperson and I trusted my builder to ask me any relevant questions - they had the architect's plan and they have gone off that and appear to have mostly re-used existing tiles from the deconstruction of the original roof that was on top of what was an integral garage conversion. Now that the scaffolding has been removed, not only does it feel like the ridges stick out like a sore thumb, but they don't appear to be straight, level or flush. Are my expectations too high and is this something that can happen when the whole roof isn't removed and built from scratch, or is this workmanship that I should not be accepting? As I'm not a builder/roofer, I would be interested to know if this kind of look/work/outcome should be challenged? Thanks.
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