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  1. Hey, guys I appreciate your responses, especially Gus thts really helped me out, Ive tried to sort out the drawings a bit today but unfortunately spent most my time creating a render which turnt out shit but anyway. Ive been watching lots of videos on cold briding and I understand the concept of not being able to break the insulation line but how can you attach anything to the outside it seems impossible. Ive tried to make the drawings clearer by following your guidance but ive got to the point when im just a lil lost at this point with the project, Id go to a lecturer but the way the uni programmes this suff is mad, we hav'nt been had lessons for past 3 weeks and the hand in is the first lesson back from easter break ,its like they want us to suffer Id thought I would post my progress, so heres the changes I've made so far plus some 1:200 plans and the shit render I made, If anyone would like the assess my entire project pm me and Ill send the entire project out Take care peeps Also ignore the added pv fin Im sure it wont affect things 😅 If anyone has any tips to sort out the Thermal bridge solution id pay you but im broke student lol
  2. Hey Guys, Im a Uni Student studying ATD, was wonderings if anyone would be willing to have a look at at some drawings I've produced, Im sure they have lots of errors and I was hoping to minimise them, thanks for your time and any help advice, is much appreciated. The First Detail is a Curtain Wall Foundation Detail, and im getting very confused with Weather proof membrane's. The Second Is my attempt at a parapet detai between the Mansard floor and second floor I know I need to somehow include a gutter which Im also stuck on. If you have any queries feel free to ask, hopefully managed to upload to in the right forum Cheers
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