Looking for some guidance here from people in the know. Just completed on my new Croft and was working on it when my neighbour came over to me to inform me that my access road, which goes over his Croft cannot be used any longer and I need to cut my own access road.
When I had the missives done. The access road was mentioned but my solicitor said that as it’s the same landlord there should be no issues.
My neighbour is pretty adamant he has raised this with the solicitor (assuming sellers solicitor) and he was told to speak to me when we complete…
To me the access road has been in for a long time, I’m pretty sure I could get granted permission to keep it but I don’t want to fall out with my neighbour on day one or incur an extra cost when you pay a solicitor to sort these things for you.
Anyone has anything similar? That can offer some advice? Cheers