Hi everyone,
I’m doing a self build and I’m planning/prepping to install the main feed for the house. When we got to site I had a new connection from SSE and this was taken from the pole into a temporary box which houses a mini CU, meter and 100 Amp fuse etc. I then use this supply to power my site/caravan.
when SSE installed the connection the chap advised that when we build the house that we could then just run an SWA from this temporary box straight into our new house and its proper CU. This was explained as being much cheaper than getting them to come back out to move the meter and install a new electric cable/feed directly from pole to the house.
So I have 2 options, as per my picture below…. It’s a long run from the temp box and both options require a fair trench digging (trench: 450mm deep, 110mm twin wall conduit, bedded on sand and with marker tape). Taking into account the voltage drop and wanting to get the max out of the Single Phase supply (I have GSHP etc) I see a 100 amp fuse in the temp box; the SWA calcs say either a 35MM SWA for one option (shorter run) or a 50MM SWA for the other option….
Can anyone offer advice on this intended setup, the size of SWA and also the amount of cores required? I think I need 5 core so I can re-use the earthing rod that’s already installed… but am I right? Or is it better with 4 cores and then I need a new earthing around the house?
Advice appreciated!