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  1. I also agree on that, bulkier water tank should be cheaper thank batteries, not that elegant though, but all those equipments are in the technical room of the house. I am trying to figure out what kind of control will need this tank, maybe a mixing water valve, in order to deliver the right temperature through the underfloor pipes.
  2. Under the Mineral Wool blocks is, I am not sure how to say it in english, but the translations would be "Autoclaved cellular concrete" blocks, having 30cm thickness. The house structure is built on concrete pillars and frames and the walls are built with those aerated blocks.
  3. Guys , thank you a lot for your suggestions, I'll start working on those, very helpful. Regarding insulation, I knew that 10cm is not much, but at that moment that was the budget...The floor pipes are mounted on a polystiren structure, which the manufacturer (Purmo) state that has also a insulation role, beside fitting the pipes. I guess that a 500-1000L buffer water tank, to heat the water during the day and release it overnight, could be the best option in my case. Or maybe some batteries, but to store 20kW sounds expensive :).
  4. I have tried somehow like you say, meaning I turned on the heat during the day, on a higher temp, like 35C, but it is really warm day time. I was thinking that maybe I can store in a bigger buffer tank, of 500L, heated water during the day, and release it by night.
  5. after the pipes there is concrete , around 6-7 cm thickness and above this is glued the wooden floor, which is special designed for this type of floor heating.
  6. Hi all, first post on Buildhub, really excited. I kindly need your advices in the below topic. I am struggling more than one winter to optimize the energy consumption for my home, in Romania and the company which installed my air heat pump setup do not have any solution for me. And I am hoping that maybe other ideas, could find a solution/advice for me. Long story short, my configuration is the folowing: air heat pump (12kW) , 1 buffer tank of 100 liters and 1 boiler tank 200 liters, connected to the heat pump, as DHW. On top, I have installed 10KW of photovoltaic panels, to sustain the heat pump. My house has 150sqm, 75 sqm ground floor and 75, at 1st floor. Have to mention, that heating is done with water pipes under the wooden floor. My question is what can I do to reduce my energy consumption during the night. Because, during the day, it is pretty much clear.I can stay only on PVs, and also to feed something into the grid as well, as surplus. Curently I consume during winter, around 25KW per night with the heat pump, only for floor heating.I also do not have any thermostats moounted. Should I mount a much higher buffer tank capacity? Meaning 400 or 500 liters? Also curently the temperature in the buffer tank is around 30 degrees Celsius, and I am not sure, whether it is not better to rise it much higher during the day, in order to sustain the floor heating during the night. I mean to act like a heat storage for night usage. Regarding insulation, my house is newly build, insulated with 10cm of Mineral Wool. The company that built my heating solution, says that I cannot do something more efficient. and i really doubt that. Of course, energy storage batteries, I do not find them feasable, due to the high cost. Thank you in adavnce, Adrian
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