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  1. Hi everyone, I’m planning to build a detached four-bedroom house in Ireland and would like the attic space to be habitable. I understand that additional fire safety regulations will apply if the attic space exceeds 50 sqm. However, I’m unsure whether the 50 sqm threshold includes the space taken up by the stairs and hallways, or if it only applies to the rooms themselves. Any clarification would be appreciated. Any help is much appreciated.
  2. Thank you for your reply. Will he travel to Waterford City for the sign off?
  3. I have heard stories where soem people had to hire a second engineer expert in ICF because who they hired wasn't. So they paid more.
  4. I'd like for the engineer to sign off on certificate, so if they are not in the same county, it's probable that they won't travel for the sign off.
  5. Hi all, I'm seeking recommendations for a structural engineer expert in ICF in County Waterford or County Kilkenny. Thanks in advance
  6. thanks for the suggestion.
  7. I do not live close to it and I do not have a digger or a mower. And there is a big patch of gorse bushes, I'd say it covers a third of the site.
  8. I've bought a site with a size of 800 sqm. I've been quoted €3000 from a cleaning garden company to cut the weeds and the bushes to ground level and take the waste away. Is that a fair price? If not, what would it be? Thanks in advance.
  9. I will post one pic of the manhole and the map from Irish Water. The green dot on the map is approximately the position of the manhole. The red boundaries is my site. The blue lines the pipes.
  10. There is a manhole just outside of the border of the site. I have used welding rods to locate the pipe, but I am not very convinced it works.
  11. I did that, they gave me the map, but at the same time they were not sure of the position. That is why, before going to an engineer, I wanted to locate the pipe. Can the land surveyor locate it though as an additional service?
  12. Thanks for the reply. the site is about 800sqm, my main concern is to find a possible water pipe underneath the ground so that I can build at 3m away from that. The site is on a small slope, so I also would like a topographic map to use for planning applications. At the moment I do not have an engineer, therefore if you could point out, in the case you are aware of, all the needed documents that an engineer would ask land surveyors, so that I can ask them. I think I will go with the digital version. Is that more expensive than the paper one?
  13. Hi all, I'm looking for recommendations for land surveyors in the Waterford City area. I need it for a site survey, for the final purpose of building a house. I'd appreciate it if you could recommend/vouch for someone from your experience. Thanks for any help you can provide.
  14. Hi, thanks for replying. Could you please explain to me what CIL is?
  15. Thanks for the answer. No, the asphalt patch is not part of a bigger scheme. Once removed, I want just grass growing. How do I check that he is licensed?
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