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  1. I might try moving to EDF. They do have a complex metering team which Octopus do not. I called OVO (SSE) and was told they will not take any further THTC customers.
  2. Thanks. one option I'm thinking about is replacing the storage heaters with normal radiators and having them wired up to the same meter as the panel heaters. I'm hoping that the official RTS switch off date of end March next year will be put back by at least a year which will give me more time to decide what to do. My supplier is Octopus and they have been no help at all. They have told me that their meter engineers cannot touch a THTC meter set up and that I will need to get an electrician to rewire it before they can fit a new meter.
  3. Do you know what would happen to the panel heaters and hot water immersion boost should the RTS signal stop. These are on the low rate 24/7 and are connected to the Horstman THTC meter. However they are controlled by us from within the house rather than by the RTS. Will they stop working?
  4. Hi, I'm with octopus who unfortunately know nothing about the THTC system. The official date for RTS shutdown is end March 2024 but there is speculation on line that this may be extended due to the number of meters still reliant on RTS. My query is about whether my heating will still work when the RTS is switched off.
  5. Hi, I have THTC all electric heating. The storage heaters and hot water are on a lower rate tariff and their charge times are controlled by the RTS signal switch. There are also panel heaters in the bedrooms which are also on the lower rate 24/7 and connected to the same meter as the storage heaters and hot water. The panel heaters are controlled manually and not by the RTS. All other usage such as lights etc are charged at the standard tariff via a second meter. The RTS signal is due to be switched off end March 2024 (although there is speculation that this may be delayed) Does anyone know what will happen when the signal is switched off? How will the storage heaters be charged up and also the hot water? Will the panel heaters still work?
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