I'm having my cable head moved by SPEN and expect they're going to want an isolator and/or fuse since the consumer unit will be more than 3m away.
Its a 3 phase supply but with only one phase metered at the moment. I currently have a fused isolator like one of these https://www.fusebox.shop/products/fusebox-fms080-80a-main-switch-fused. As part of the move I want to get everything ready for 3-phase for the glorious future of EV's and HP's. The new position is quite tight for space so I'm looking for a compact solution. Hoping to frame out the space this weekend if I can get a good idea of how much overall room I will need.
I have a Wylex REC4 to provide the isolation part and if that's all they want then, great, job done. For the fused part I'm thinking of these options:
- a REC3 with 3x 100A MCB's (as well as the REC4) -- but current breaking capacity of MCB's isn't as great as fuses, on the other hand they probably trip way faster so that gives discrimination with the fuse in the cable head, if there is a fault that an MCB can't clear then the cable head fuse will deal with it
- modular fuse carriers like Lawson MS221 -- these are 2 modules wide so I'd need a compact 6 module enclosure for all 3 phases but I could live with only 2 available so potentially another REC4 enclosure would do
Any other ideas?