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Everything posted by ChrisRic

  1. Gratitude to all. I lifted the manhol cover. It is not a raised one as it was originally dug in the middle of the drive (before we bought the house). THe shaft is bone dry and the metal 'tube' through which the pump can be extracted is sound and waterproof. Further inspection reveals that the surface water is running through loose gravel on the drive and collecting at one edge of the manhole cover which had not been placed correctly allowing a few bits of said gravel to prevent the lid from sealing onto the rubber 'washer'. That has now been cleared. the water still 'rushes' when the rain is heavy, but I am sure now that the bore hole is completely dry. I'll keep you posted! CHris
  2. Hi I'm new to this site so any help would be appreciated most likely for several problems I have. We moved to Dorset from Kent about four months ago and have been confronted with a 50 meter bore hole. Sounded good when we made the offer on the house. Who wouldn't want unlimited water for free? It IS good but its costing more than we thought to change filters, soften the water to remove lime scale etc. So first off, after a severe rain storm we had here a few nights ago I was standing near the bore hole cover and heard the sound of rushing water. On closder examination I saw water gurgling/ bubbling from the seal in the cover. Its has been dry for a few days now and the water gurgling/rushing sound has stopped. Should I be worried about this? Is this just just what it is? Excessive rain water?
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