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Everything posted by fclauson

  1. True - but (and I am still researching) passive /low energy homes might be more prone than those where there is some heat coming from the inside will come back when and if I find more detail on this
  2. Thanks all - yes its sand and cement - @nod thanks for this - would you just fill with a flexible filler (https://www.toupret.co.uk/professional-filler/product/problem-surfaces/fill-flex or similar) if so what brand would you recommend also - any thoughts on expansion joints - that back wall is over 13M wide if so just in the render or in the wall as well (retrofit) then we hope to powerwash - and repaint we did have a Mica scare in the area but we are reasonably confident its not that
  3. Hi all looking for some advice - build is 12 years old - bunglow built to passive standards in rural Ireland in a windy eleventated spot after around 4 years we noticed some external cracking which has got a little (bit not a lot) wose over time we hacked of some render this week to see if block was cracked and cloncluded it was not we not that some of the cracks are "damp" but it had just rained really heverly some thoughts are a) there should have been expansion joints (would this be in just the render or in the block work ?) b) this is a passive house so no heat is coming to external wall so it has no "drying" from inside - how does this effect things would love thoughts 1 - what is causing the cracking 2 - what repair scheme you would suggest
  4. We built a 250mm cavity 11 years ago you will need to think about moisture update in the outter leave - it sits at ambient temp and acts as thought its single skin wall sitting in a field - we are currently investigation cracking which we think is due to freezthaw of a moisure rich external wall
  5. I hope the title says it all in 2012 we completed what was at the time the fist A1 Energy Rated and Passive Certifed House in Ireland it has performed fantastically well and we love it our annual heating bills have stayed super low - at circua €300 (after the recent energy rise)
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