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Everything posted by Lexifir

  1. Hi I'm in the early stages of research and planning a house build. My wife and I both want a Passive or near Passive house, but I'm looking at the heating and cooling issues. Heating doesn't seem to be an issue, the house will be near airtight and have a lot of good insulation all over. I also have a fair amount of electronics (servers) that generate plenty of heat. During the winter months, I'm happy that the additional house heating will be on at a very minimal level, if at all... Summer might cause me some issues at the hottest times. I know MVHR can have a summer bypass option, but I don't think that will be enough. I don't want a house that for the odd week in summer (UK) it will be too hot inside. If I was to install AC into some of the bedrooms and other important areas, is it possible to rig the AC so that it either directly or via the heat pump dumps the heat into the hot tank? Also, if anyone has suggested brands, I'm welcome to suggestions as it opens up more research for me. Thanks all!
  2. Hi all. I'm trying to do some research on suppliers of an insulated raft foundations for a passive house. I then thought this might prove useful to others and I could also ask the community which ones they have used and would recommend... I've yet to ask all of these to provide quotes, and have no prior experience with this kind of project - if anyone HAS used any of these companies, or one that isn't on the list, please could you either DM me if it's to stay away from them (and you don't want to make it public) or post up an experience below. Below is a randomly ordered list of suppliers and fitters of raft insulated slab foundations... KORE: https://www.kore-system.com/ CASTLE FORMS: https://www.castleforms.com/ GREEN RAFT: https://www.greenraft.co.uk/ MBC TIMBER FRAME: https://www.mbctimberframe.co.uk/ VIKING HOUSE: http://www.viking-house.ie/ (Ireland - but I'm close enough for this to be in with a chance) ISOQUICK: https://www.isoquick.co.uk/ ICF BUILDING SOLUTIONS: https://www.icfbuildingsolutions.co.uk/ PASSIVE SLAB: https://passiveslab.ie/ (Ireland - but same reasoning as the other above) JACKON: https://www.jackon.co.uk/ THERMOHOUSE: https://thermohouse.co.uk/ ECONEKT: https://econekt.co.uk/ ASPECT NUBUILD: https://www.aspectnubuild.com/ Could the community also provide any additional companies that they would recommend for providing and assembling the insulated slab / raft foundation. I'm looking for the actual supply AND fitting for insurance reasons - plus time - I'm not sure I could do this solo! Thanks all!!
  3. Hi Not sure if this post belongs to this topic or not, but I'm looking for an open-source map of Yorkshire (Harrogate Specifically) water pipes. I'm trying to work out where the nearest known water main is and the distance from a remote location I'm interested in building on... Are there any free resources out there? Also - could someone tell me why this information appears to be kept under lock and key? Thanks all!!
  4. Hi all -my first post. I spent some time reading through the MVHR section whilst waiting for approval, but still have a few questions. I've got my first self build project on the go (pre-fab timber frame) and am now at the stage of looking through MVHR systems (and a lot of other stuff). There seems to be a general dislike for the cheap plastic tube and conduit in favour of the steel or the rigid plastic semi flexible tube... So far the arguments seem fair enough and the ribbed \ semi-rigid tube seems to have a best of both, which is what I am leaning towards. Is there anyone here who would recommend their MVHR system (brand) and why they would recommend it. Also - I'm looking at a slightly smarter home with each of the rooms having its own temp, humidity and CO2ppm sensor (I've got several already running in a rental house). All the sensors are linked to a Home Assistant interface, and I'd really like each zone on the MVHR to be automatically controlled.... i.e. if the system detects that the kitchen or bathroom are in use (*because humidty or CO2ppm goes up) then that individual zone would get a boost. Are there any MVHR that allow automatic activation of zones? Any recommendations or pointers in the right direction would be appreciated! Thanks
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