Hi. First post, sorry if it's long but I'd like to double check before/if I go FENSA complaint route.
I've checked this forum and elsewhere online for any advice but found nothing to clarify that I'm right (hopefully), and I did shopped around to avoid this kind of situation.
I've had front doors and windows (7) fitted by the FENSA certified company in November 2022. I think their job is not up to regs. (or at least to what they've said to me) but when I asked FENSA, they've said that "they're not here to give answers to individuals".
Issue no.1. Is there a legal requirement for a seal around the frame and the building? I live in double brick house, if that's makes a difference. Company salesman, when I've asked said they don't use foam, they use something better, a special sealant. Ready for a room revamp, I've stripped walls to bare bricks, and found nothing around one of the windows, also there's nothing on the paperwork they've gave me. You can see external trim on the pic. below, and that bit of foam was on the inside face of the frame, and I'm assuming other windows are done the same way.
Issue no.2. Is there a reg. that states max. gaps allowed, or what needs to be done when there's missing brickwork? One corner has a massive gap as pic. below and you can see external cladding through the hole. Not sure how it was before their visit, but fitters said nothing to me.
Issue no.3. Is this damage bad enough to ask for a replacement? After the above findings, I've checked the rest of the windows and found a bathroom frame with a big unsealed hole around the screw and some damage, that looks like a drill bit "skid marks".
Possibly Issue no.4. Do a frameXpress outside sill have an internal side seal or lip to stop the water leakage from the sides, and assuming correct fitting is there a tolerance for a gap between the sill and the frame? Two of mine windows have 10mm difference. I've sent an email to the manufacturer but still no reply, as their pictures doesn't show that part.
Sorry for many questions and long post, but that company didn't delivered what they've said, and I'm trying my best and fight for my promised "good quality window and installation". I'll try to reply to questions and/or comments (if any) as soon as I can. Thanks in advance.