So, I have decided to take the plunge and go for the ASHP. I will be contacting Octopus in the next few days to arrange the survey and pay the £500 deposit.
So, I have 3 electric cars, solar panels and battery storage. Hopefully, in the very near future, I'll have ASHP. I do not have a green bone in my body!!!!! Everything I do is because the maths makes sense. I can honestly say that if I didn't have battery storage, I wouldn't bother doing it.
Through regular calculations, I am Mr Average. Normal yearly usage is 12,000kwh of gas. That would cost me £1237. Apparently, I will need 4000kwh of ASHP electricity over the year to equate the same gas usage. Due to Intelligent Octopus and my 23kwh of battery storage, it will cost me £400 for the same usage. Also, it means my home will be a constant 20/21 degrees throughout the whole day (well 22 hours).
No doubt someone will tell me otherwise, but this is really back of the fag packet calculations.