Hi All,
Our property is a grade II listed property with a class E ground floor (Was previously a vet clinic but ceased trading 20 years ago and has been vacant since). The upper floor is C3 and has been used as a flat since 2009 with council tax band b payable.
The downstairs floor has a rateable value of 10,500 per anum which allows us exemption on empy business rates, as well as it being listed which also allows business rate exemption.
We are looking to submit a change of use for the downstairs floor, so the entire property is one dwelling (C3).
Would we be liable for CIL? We were not sure as the town is technically not gaining a new dwelling...
If we are liable for CIL, is there any way we an get around this? We have thought about open a limited company and registering it to the downstairs floor for 6 months...