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  1. I might go with the insulation on top of concrete. ideally want the bricks for vermin control and rain splash.
  2. The roof is 80mm insulated panels. and I’ve got 50mm in the walls.
  3. Going to be building a garden building next year. roughly 7m x 3m which will leave 1m gap to each neighbours fence and the back fence. I’m wanting a concrete base just not decided on the best or cost affective ie. Insulated concrete base and a course of two bricks or concrete base 2 courses of bricks and insulated on top of concrete. I need 2m height at the back lowest part of flat roof. also I’m thinking 3x2 timber frame work, a membrane then 2x1 battens and Shiplap cladding on top. Ply lined on the inside and maybe plaster board on top of that. Half the building is going to be a cage and avairy breeding room. The other half a garden room. insulated metal roof panels for the roof. double glazed windows and doors. any think I’ve missed or could be done better or cost effective? many thanks
  4. So if my concrete base is going to be level with the lawn I need to dig out around 300mm, 100mm type 1. 100mm insulation and 100mm concrete? thanks
  5. I’m looking to build a timber frame cladded garden room in the region of 7m x 3m or 6m x 4m. I don’t want a wooden base. What’s the best way to do a concrete foundation / base? ideally I need it not to be damp inside and it’s to try and stop vermin getting in. Thanks
  6. It has planning for the stables. it’s still being used now for horses so maybe I’ll go and buy some sheep.
  7. Thanks for the replies. Basically I’m just exploring any options I have. I haven’t changed the use of the land so I still believe it’s agricultural land. Yes I’ve kept horses there but also other animals, ducks, chickens, goats and sheep only real proof I have is a holding number. I’m awaiting a structural engineer to see what he thinks to being converted.
  8. Come across this forum when looking about class q planning. I own 2 acres of land near Aylesbury Bucks and I am exploring class q but am still none the wiser… so it has buildings (stables) first block got in 1989 second block got in 2007 I’m under the impression it’s not been changed to equestrian land. Is it sounding likely so far? thanks joe
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