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Everything posted by Ejfraz

  1. Thanks for all the info. Luckily heating and cooker are both gas. Hopefully it won’t take too long for services to be connected. my parents live a mile away so there’s always a warm bed there as a last resort - a bit of a squeeze with all the kids! How many hours a day did you run generator? We’d be looking at 4pm - until bedtime? And then a couple hours in the morning. can we connect to a battery overnight? For turning on lights if needed? Completely clueless - but learning something new everyday!
  2. Hi all, we will be shortly moving into a static caravan with 3 kids and a dog. Going to be an adventure or a nightmare. we are waiting for sse to hook us up to power which could take some time. In the meantime what is the best option for powering the caravan? Would a silent generator be the answer. If so, what type requirements for a generator should I be looking at? many thanks
  3. I think the burn could work for water. Out site is a good few metres above the course of burn burn. So a pump would be needed. Could we pump the burn water directly into the caravan? Or would we use it to fill the IBC tanks and these will connect strictly to the caravan? Power still an issue as we have nowhere to take power from.
  4. Yes the burn water could be used for this purpose. Would need a pump in the burn to pump it up to site and direct to caravan? Or direct into IBC tanks?
  5. Unfortunately not close enough. And there’s a burn to cross as well.
  6. Hi all, looking for anyone who has some advice on how we can get a temporary water supply and power supply to our static caravan while we wait for Scottish water and sse to connect us. We are planning IBC tanks for water. (Seperate Bottled water for drinking). Will this work? Or does anyone have any other suggestions. Also for power we are planning a silent generator. But I need advice on what I should be looking for. For info our caravan is heated by gas and the cooker is also gas. Many thanks!
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