I have a new build house, completed January 2021. No gas available, so the house has a Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP.
I then have a second Ecodan to power ancillary accommodation.
Initially, having come from a gas boiler 1bed flat, I treated the house as if it was still running off cheap, quick-reacting gas. So I had to alter my behaviour, obviously.
All fine for a year and a half until this cold snap. My radiators are constantly calling for heat, the house is cold, my kWh usage is very high considering I have my thermostats set to 16degrees, and most rooms are currently measuring 14/14.5 degrees.
What am I getting wrong?! It feels like something has either been poorly spec’d, poorly installed, or poorly commissioned.
I’ll be the first to admit I have a limited understanding of how heat pumps work, but I am slowly getting to grips with it.
Any leads or suggestions gratefully received!