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mid-ulster N ire

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  1. I greatly appreciate your help ETC you have been helpful and great to have another opinion on it. I just couldn't get my head around it that planners take no responsibility for anything they pass basically, I think it should be solely on the planners and they should follow legal boundaries when making descions on applications
  2. The planners have told myself that it is nothing todo with them and that it's a Personal matter between ourselves. The neighbour does know this crosses through my layby. They have legal visibility splays which I granted them but like I said as far as I knew the access was running alongside the layby and not through it
  3. This is also stated on there approval which I think clearly states it doesn't confer title as if they don't own the layby as I said.
  4. Yes they have drew the red line as if the lay-by etc is all owned by themselves upto the boundary and not including my layby
  5. "INFORMATIVES The approval does not empower anyone to build or erect any structure, wall or fence or encroach in any other manner on a public roadway (including a footway and verge) or on any other land owned or managed by the DfI Roads for which separate permissions and arrangements are required." This was on the bottom of there reserved matter approval. For me i interpret this that if something was brought up they would have no right at all to cross the lay-by for which another site is required to have.
  6. For prodave, Both plots weren't owned by myself the initial sale included my lay-by and the neighbour then proceeded to apply for outline for a dwelling. My boundary includes the lay-by but the neighbour has got visibility splays in place as like I said we are on good terms but like Gus says a plonker could be there in the future. I just don't like the thought of crossing boundaries or anything like that it has the potential to cause problems down the line as nobody knows what the future can hold. I just thought they couldn't possibly have the legal right to cross over a boundary planning granted or not it would be like someone getting planning permission and going over a boundary and although no objections getting it granted surely it can't be right. In my eyes the planning authorities should be legally liable for granting or not granting going by who owns which land it shouldn't be left upto the owners
  7. Thanks Dave for your reply. It was myself that sold the ground for the neighbour and when sold I kept the lay-by as this per planning was supposed to be for post vans etc for safely coming off the main road and down the existing laneway on picture. I am trying to protect my assets as the neighbour had said to me there new entrance was to be alongside my lay-by but obviously the roads weren't happy and they have proceeded to go through planning going through my lay-by.
  8. It's like I said in previous message there is a 1metre grass verge along the roadside which I believe would be the roads and there property then the additional lay-by would be my owned property and its not just the mouth of the lane the lay-by is yet to be built but is to be built for my additional site for access whenever the base goes down next year.
  9. My concern is down the line legally what right have they to cross my boundary. future sales of my property etc possible future disputes. The lay-by space is there because there is an additional property on my land and it was one of the conditions the road service put in. I will give an example for all the "neighbours" on this site. If I was to sell my additional site on my land which includes the lay-by which way does this leave me considering my neighbour crosses over the boundary belonging to the site.
  10. I have enclosed a quick sketch the black is my laneway and the lay-by which the Highway owns roughly 1metre and the rest is about 2.2metres of mine, the red outline is neighbours land and the blue is there granted entrance into there new proposed site along with there own layby. Clearly showing they will be coming in through my legally owned (2.2m x 10m) along the fronting Road. Planning have said they take no part in boundary disputes as its personal between neighbours.
  11. I find it quite amusing people giving there opinion saying just because we are on good terms what is the problem etc when everyone knows anything can change and its in everyone's best interests to protect there own property etc
  12. Hello I was wondering if my neighbour who has recently gotten approved planning for a site next to my laneway the initial outline showed coming in directly next to my laneway although doesn't show my boundary of a lay-by which is mine which they would be coming through, they then tried for reserved matter with there new entrance next to my lay-by but the roads asked for it to be moved down beside my laneway again which would be coming through my lay-by. Can they use this new entrance even though it's coming through my boundary beside the laneway or is it at my discretion. The lay-by is roughly 3metres in off the road which would mean them crossing roughly 2metres of my property by about 10metres roadside as I think the roads own the grass verge of roughly 1metre. Sorry for the long message but any help would be great. I didn't object as we are on good terms and was told the entrance would be alongside my lay-by but not coming through it and reserved matters passed very quickly
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