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Dean Mc

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  1. Thanks all. The step is approximately 10 to 15mm. The join is just under 5m wide. The length of the beam and block area is over 10m long and perfectly flat, so I was looking to grade it in underneath the 100mm Celotex.
  2. Hi, Sorry, possibly a stupid ‘newbie’ Q. I have single story self build, which has two distinct areas of floor substructure; concrete slab and beam and block. The concrete slab was from the original building, but an additional limb was added which has a beam and block floor structure. There is a step where the two meet, which causes a void underneath when laying the 100mm Celotex insulation, which obviously flexes due to the lack of support beneath. The Celotex installation guide says ‘smooth with thin sand binding’ but I’m concerned that this may compact or move through time. Should I be using a cement / concrete mix? Or something else?
  3. Thanks JohnMo 👍 do you have any pics during the fit?
  4. Apologies if this is in the wrong section, as I could think of numerous I could have put it in. I’m doing an ICF self build. Is there a standard / build regulation for how water / electric cable / broadband utilities must be passed through the foundations and wall and into the building i.e. are certain types, colours, diameters of conduit required for specific utilities?
  5. Thanks ChrisJ, I kind of dismissed that at the beginning, as I thought it may crush? I was thinking along the lines of.... I appreciate the Nudura takes the outward forces but has the internal ties increasing strength and preventing distortion. Does it resist 3m worth of concrete being poured on top? I've been thinking of far more complicated, time consuming and costly solutions including manufacturing stainless shrouding and ducts and all sorts. Although I had thought of inserting timber inside the duct, but didn't know how easy it would be to remove and I'd possibly end up with blocked Manrose vents and still having to core drill extra holes too 😬
  6. TY. That's just raised a few more Qs in my head now 🤯😆
  7. I was hoping to get the floor in this weekend, so would / will have to wait to speak to BC. We're building on a hill, so the topography of the ground slopes away. We've had to build up above ground over 1m to get to floor level so the ICF is still exposed.
  8. Hi all, We are building our home from Nudura XR35 on a sloping site and have only stacked and poured up to floor level so far, ready to take our block and beam flooring. It's only just been noticed that there should have been some underfloor ventilation fitted for the cavernous void underneath, as per the approved architects drawings. They've advised a vent every 2m each side of a 12m run. The site is on the side of a hill, very exposed and regularly subjected to >50 MPH winds. We were supposed to fit something along the lines of the Manthrope telescopic underfloor vent, but I'm aware they are pretty flimsy and prone to shattering / cracking under the pressure of the next pour: https://www.screwfix.com/p/telescopic-underfloor-vent-black-220mm-x-215mm/12025 An option I have is to drill 4" / 100mm holes through the Nudura and concrete and fit a vent / tube / grill assembly. I maybe over thinking things, but one of my worries is wind whistling through the vents even if make a swan neck? Likewise, making something too truncated and it not providing sufficient ventilation. Anyone had similar experiences or had to address anything similar?
  9. That looks perfect. Would be interested to see with covers on. One of my concerns is that as the vaulted ceilings are a feature, putting extra covers and fittings on there may have spoiled the affect.
  10. Thanks JohnMo, I'll have a flick through. Hey Buzz, thank you. Are you still WIP or do you have any images of it all boarded and covers fitted?
  11. Sorry, should have mentioned, build is single story in the shape of a T. Bedrooms and bathroom in one limb across the top with the master bedroom at the end and en-suite vaulted. Open plan kitchen, dining room and lounge running north to south at the bottom part of the T, which are vaulted throughout.
  12. We do have a plant room with an external wall, but adsibob is right, in that how could it all be physically installed and concealed, switching between vaulted and conventional ceilings?
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