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  1. Yeah that wouldn't be ideal for a family of 4, potentially five. Need to come up with a solution for between the sale and water/sewage connection for sure
  2. I self managed our extension a few years back, taught me a lot😅 but feel far more prepared for this than I was before. Still expecting there to be plenty of hiccups though!
  3. No, not yet. Our mortgage is up for renewal in 18 months. I've still got to fully convince the other half before we start approaching land owners. I wouldn't want to start now and waste peoples time. I've read it can take up to 4 months to get a water connection but on average its around 8 weeks. What have people done between that time?
  4. Thanks for the further responses. Seems extra storage space is key to make life a bit easier and I'll check out that YT channel now. Another issue I can see is the period from the sale of the house to the move on site. I'd assume we'd go straight from the house to the caravan so would need to have the static bought and delivered ready for near the time we exchange. Does anyone have any experience with this? And can you apply for services to be brought to the site before purchase? Obviously we can rent a genny for electric if need be but what would we do for water? TIA
  5. Thanks for the advice fellas. We're both pretty laid back and planning to get a large, well kitted out static(heating/double glazing etc) with a good set up surrounding. Hoping this takes the sting out of caravan living. I like the idea of a second, cheaper static for more space and storage but would depend on the size of the plot and how easy it would be to sell on after. The double garage would also be a dream! How did you survive a week without water Duncan?
  6. Hi all, Its been a dream of mine for a while to build my own house and I have managed to convince the Mrs. Due to the rising interests rates it might push us to going for it sooner rather than later, depending on what happens over the next 18 months. She's well on board but is worried about living in a static caravan on site for what could be 2 years plus with 2, possibly 3 young kids. I'd project manage myself and get involved at stages but would leave most of it to the professionals. My worry is I'd lose too much time with the family. Looking for advice from families that have been through it. Would you recommend it? What were the impacts on you as a family? How did you manage your time between the family, work and build? Thanks in advance
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