Morning StormyTea. Thank you for the question. At this stage i am not sure. The house was state of the art back in the 60's when my to be Father in Law designed his installation. He was an electrical engineer by training and an electrical wholesaler by trade. So his installation became a bit of a discussion point even today. We know that his heating in the house is underfloor. There was a swimming pool which is now defunct and isolated electrically. There is only electricity in the house, no gas. I have copies of invoices / bills which my mother in law gets monthly. It clearly shows 5 meters being estimated. Just to give you an indication of the family concern the "Future Estimated Usage" is now at £8500 at the current Kwh rate. The account is in credit to the tune of £3500. So you will see why we are now concerned and trying to understand what is connected and what the meters are for. Unfortunately we cannot find any schematics that father in law might have drawn up, that will be a task on its own , and he didn't bother to identify the outgoing circuits. That is another job i have to get to do. So as i perceive the three meters connected to the incomer first will be three single phase meters, the other two are as yet a mystery , but i shall stick to the task at reducing the month bill and the amount of credit she has "on account".