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  1. Thank you I will take a good look and post my findings The windows need to be wood not UPVC unfortunately - but I will hit google and see how we do!
  2. To resurrect this thread if that is ok .... I am doing quite a major build and need 6 bathrooms, triple glazed wooden windows, large runs of bifold doors, kitchen x 2, 2000 sq feet ish of Oak flooring, bathroom tiles etc. I asm importing a pool cover ( electric float on slats) from China which is about 40% of the UK price and I wondered if others had looked at this to bathrooms, windows, kitchens etc.? I have had a look at MegaBad and the prices dont seem that keen, but of course it is driven by exchange rate to some extent. I can find remarkable little on line other than this thread about self importing and would welcome any guidance . Thank you
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