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    South East Kent

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  1. The fan spped doesn't adjust with temperature as the vent axia and ventmatika are not linked in any way. I will try increasing the airflow thou when the heaters on and see if that makes a difiference.
  2. The green light means the systems booted up and working, the red light means it heating the element.
  3. Hi, The heating element has been set to power on / off by a nest thermostat. They have wired it so that it literally supplies the power to power on or off the ventmatika. bit crude. The thermistor is like a thermostat mounted next to the ventmatika ( in the loft ) which I understand sets the temperature of the heating element. Link to video below. Also had the heating element been put in the intake to the MCHR would it not have then heated up the heat exchanger helping the air temperature? link : https://share.icloud.com/photos/0aeAfwbJh98Oe5IfVNoBRU-0A
  4. We have been in for about 5 months now. But I think I let the house get to cold. I'm wondering if the duct heater is in the wrong place as its actually a Post heater, its inline with the duct that comes from the MVHR to the distribution unit for the pipes to the rooms. Also If I set the thermistor to 24 degrees and leave the heater on I presume depending on the temperature of the heating element depending on the incoming air temperature, or will it just sit at 24?
  5. with regards to my vent axia it has a variable thermistor located just outside the unit that varies the element temperature. Currently its set at 29 degrees. When the heating element is on the air reaches 27 degrees but when off its then blows out 18 degrees so one minute its trying to heat then house then its cooling it. The unit is turned on and off with a nest thermostat controlling the power to it. So when its below set temperature it turns on element then when it reaches temperate it turns it off causing it to then blow cooler air. Should I set this thermistor to say 23 degrees and leave it permanently on, I presume it will vary the element temperature depending on the temperature of the incoming air?
  6. I have recently purchased a new build that's 3 years old as builder went bust. It has an MVHR vent axia system with an inline 2.4kw duct heater, other than that the house house a small plinth heater and 3 towel rails. As you can imagine the house is currently freezing, I'm having to run some electric oil rads and electric heaters and sit under a heated blanket. Not ideal. Their is no gas to the property and the hot water tank sits right in the middle of the house so running pipes etc would be a nightmare. Can anyone offer any advise as to a cost effective heating system(s) I can put in but wont require destroying the inside. I am looking at having a couple of daikin aircon units installed in the lounge and the master bedroom that's located n the roof as they can run the pipe work up one side of house. This was primely for aircon in summer but hoping the heating side maybe good. Any helps most appreciated.
  7. I’m still not sure this is running correctly. I have spoken to vent axia and asked for a company they can recommend to come out and check it. the first one they recommended didn’t seem to know much about the system so I asked again for a company more technical and 2 weeks on still waiting a reply from the 2nd company they recommended. Do they not have a descent team of technicians in Kent?
  8. Mine were open when i looked and summer bypass was on, but it was definitely colder outside so something doesn't sound right.
  9. Thanks @ProDave I'll leave it on for 24 hrs and see what happens. Also, I will turn off the Summerbypass as @JohnMo suggested. When should the electric Flaps Close, as so far I've not found a way for it do it automatically so wondering if its working correctly. The flaps are located in-between the heat exchanger and the fan on the right hand side that has two pipes. both running outside. presumably the intake and exhaust for the system.
  10. Hi, thanks for the replies. the mvhr is a vent axia 443028 with a ventmatika inline heating element. house only has 2 heated towel rails and an electric heater in the kitchen floor. the air when I measured it the other day was 20.1 coming out the vents, when I turned the heating element on it went up to 27 degrees but in 3 hours the rooms hadn’t increased by a degree. This is supposed to be a passivehouse design .
  11. I have recently purchased a new house from the bank that was built 3 yrs ago. mvhr system has been on all the time and I have changed the filters since moving in. my issue is trying to warm the house. It’s a vent axia system with summer bypass fitted and a 3 kw inline heating element. currently I have the heating element off, and the mvhr is set for an internal temperature of 25 and external of 14 degrees. Trouble is the vents always seem to be blowing out cool air and the house currently sits around 19-21 degrees. I know I could turn the heating element on but something doesn’t seem right with it always currently blowing cool air. I’ve just been in the loft and removed the front panel and pulled out the heat exchange unit. On the left side is a running fan and the houses In take and out put pipes. On the right is a running fan, electric shutter (that’s open) and external intake and out put ducts. Playing round with the settings I can’t switch the electric shutter to close or turn the right fan off. Does this sound right as with the right fan on and the electric Shuter open it seems to be blowing cold air onto the heat exchanger? It doesn’t make any logical sense to me but I’m not an mvhr specialist. thanks for any help/ advice.
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