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Thursday 6th June: a big day. We complete the purchase, move into rented and planning is accepted



We have managed to stay in our home for the majority of previous builds. This time we had to sell before we could buy the plot / donor house. So yesterday, we packed up from our 325 sqm house in Stroud, moved into a 114 sqm rental house, sold Stroud, purchased the plot and by coincidence the Planning Application was accepted by the District Council. A big day.


We have a mountain to climb, but already we can look back on some good progress. 
We have a plot, we have a design, we have planning submitted and we are some weeks into requesting Timber Frame quotes. 
Many priorities, but one near the top of the list is talking to the neighbours to see if they will comment positively on the planning application. 
As a courtesy I gave the drawings to the immediate neighbours before planning submission. Good neighbours are invaluable, especially for demolition and a replacement dwelling. 

Edited by RedRhino

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