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What's my likely epc value now?

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So we started with a late 70's bungalow, oil fired central heating. Double glazed. 

Rated at 53 on the plan so a 'E'. 


During the build we have dug out the slab and insulated to building regs (I know! But there just wasn't space to get more than 70mm in) 

We haven't filled the cavities, but we have added 60mm internal insulation on all walls, we are mostly LED lit and we are fully triple glazed. 300mm in the loft.


I'm not expecting miracles but what could it / should it be?

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1 hour ago, dogman said:

use stroma its free to download a trial version

Yes but be ready to look for the input (need more input...) it requires. One thing you can say for sure is that it will be better at keeping bills lower than it was although changes in the SAP calculation method, depends on when the original EPC was issued, might mean it does not move as far up the scale as you might hope or might move further.


Essentially there is no way of knowing without doing the detail work, sorry.

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