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Lean to

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Bit of a random question - does anyone build lean tos these days? I always remember it being something my nan or aunties house had - typically with polycarbonate sheet roofs and usually housing the tumble dryer


Could/would/should you build one today? 🤔

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ive a timber framed lean too conservatory that i use as a bit of a workshop and its either freezing or boiling. ive been known to wear ear defenders when working inside when its been lashing it down with rain.


personally i would just put a proper roof on, 18mm osb with felt would be vastly superior. you could go even better and whack some tapco tiles ontop similar to these companies who convert conservatories to proper rooms and circumnavigate conservatory roof rules. 


Although if you do like the idea of using multiwall polycarbonate sheeting then i would recommend getting the thickest one you can find and preferably tinted. mine is just single cell sheeting and was probably clear once but has turned a milky yellow colour. having more cells would probably make it more thermally efficient and reduce the melting effect of the sun when inside.

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