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Filtered water tap too warm


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We have an Intu boiling water tap, that gives filtered cold water, unfiltered cold water, boiling water and regular hot water. The filtered cold water does not come out very cold. I think it might be because the position of the tap means that the cold water pipe run from the mains is fairly long, maybe about 10 to 12m, all within the insulated envelope of the house. The pipes that the plumber used are butyl, so whilst it is possible he didn’t isolate the hot run from the cold run with enough insulation, I’m not sure the butyl would allow enough heat transfer for that to be the main issue. Running the tap for a while makes a bit of a difference, but not huge. 
Intu sell a water chiller unit for this tap, here: https://intuboilingwatertaps.co.uk/product/intu-evolution-under-sink-chiller-tank/

but it’s expensive. Can I use any chiller unit, and if so can somebody recommend one? We don’t need it as cold as 5C, but 9C or 10C would be nice.

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If the only way to solve this issue is by installing a cooler, then I've found this one which is a bit cheaper than the Intu one, but still seems ridiculously expensive for what is effectively a small fridge: https://www.pressurecoolers.co.uk/shop/budget-undersink-chiller-c12e/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwg_iTBhDrARIsAD3Ib5g_vTMwKm6iyEzTLBiF87ZhE5BOyrohmLMnzMvz9-5H4vIfOt_swGkaAmA4EALw_wcB

I've also found the one made by Qettle for £280.


I think I'll just drink 20C water.

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